Rotaract is a global business networking and community service club primarily for young adults and college students founded by Rotary International.
Rotary International is made up primarily older professionals, advanced in their careers, who want to provide mentorship and guidance to Rotaractors. Rotarians also regularly meet to raise funds for causes in their towns and cities. There are over 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide spread across 45,000 Rotary clubs eager to help others.
Rotaract members provide a helping hand by performing volunteer work for causes local to them. Rotaract members get the opportunity to meet and network with Rotarians, receiving mentorship and guidance in their careers.
Rotary and Rotaract exist to bring professionals young and old together to make the world a better place through volunteer work, charity, and fundraising.
If you are a student of Georgia Highlands College, join us today! If you’re interested in Rotaract but aren’t a student of GHC, find and contact your local Rotary Club here.